The UCH Education Centre

Course Title

British Association of Neonatal Neurodevelopment Follow Up Study Day


1st Most Anticipated National Conference On Neonatal Neurodevelopment

Friday 1st October 2021
Being held virtually on ZOOM
This multi-professional study day will aim at exploring a range of topics related to the neurodevelopmental follow-up and outcomes of premature and sick new born babies. Lectures from experts in a variety of disciplines.
 Who should attend?
Any professional involved in the care of babies in neonatal units and /or their long-term management and follow-up Suitable for the following:
- Paediatricians
- Neonatologists
- Paediatric & Neonatal: Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Speech & Language Therapists, Dietitians, Nurses, ANNP
- GPs & Health Visitors
Topics Covered
- NICE Approach to follow-up/outcomes
- Communication Development following prematurity
- Assessment & management of children with visual impairments
- Early identification and intervention

Course Dates Fee(s)

01/10/2021 to 01/10/2021

Full Course Rate - £50.00

Course Director Course Convenor

Ángela Huertas, Philippa Chisholm, Frances O



Registered charity number 229771